“dad, there is a forest ahead!(爸爸,前面有片森林!)”一位正拿着望远镜向前观望的外国小男孩惊叫道。
“Is it? let me have a look!(是吗?让我看看!)”听外国小男孩这么说,正在开车的父亲赶忙把车停下来,将外国小男孩手中的望远镜拿了过来道。
“oh damn, it's a dead forest!(哦!该死,那是一片死亡森林!)”当小男孩的父亲看过之后惊呼道。
“dead forest? will we die if we go in?(死亡森林?如果我们进去就会死吗?)”小男孩惊恐地问道。
“this forest has a very terrible legend!(这片森林有着非常恐怖的传说!)”小男孩的父亲回答道。
“what kind of horror legend is it?(是什么样的恐怖传说呢?)”小男孩好奇地问道。
“It is said that in the 19th century, a group of Indians were secretly executed here. In order to avoid the pursuit of the invaders, the group of Indians had to take their families from their hometown to other places, but in the end they failed to escape the crazy invaders. they kept begging the invaders for mercy, hoping that the invaders could let them live, but the invaders were inhuman, so they were all slaughtered. one of the Indians, a chief, made a curse on the forest before he died. Anyone who enters this forest will die a bad death.(传说在19世纪的时候,这里被秘密的处决了一批印第安人。那群印第安人为了躲避侵略者的追杀,不得不携家带口的从自己的故乡远赴他乡,可最后他们还是未能躲过那群丧心病狂的侵略者。他们不停的向那群侵略者求饶,希望那群侵略者可以放他们一条生路,但那群侵略者是没有人性的,所以,他们全都遭到了屠杀。这群印第安人中有一位酋长,他在临死前对这片森林种下了一个诅咒。凡是进入这片森林的人,都将不得好死。)”小男孩的父亲回答道。
“these Indians are so pathetic. has the Sheikh's curse worked?(这群印第安人真可怜,那酋长的诅咒灵验了吗?)”小男孩追问道。
“I don't know, but it's said that no one can walk out of this forest alive!(不知道,但传说从没有人能活着走出这片森林!)”小男孩的父亲回道。
“Alan, stop talking, you'll scare him!(艾伦,不要再说了,你会吓着他的!)”此时,一直坐在车上默不作声的小男孩的母亲突然道。
“well, sorry, it's just a legend!(好吧,对不起,这只是个传说!)”小男孩的父亲道。
“dad, how do we get through the forest in front of us?(爸爸,那我们要怎样通过前面的森林呢?)”小男孩问道。
“I think it's better for us to stay in the car for the night tonight, because it's very late now. whether the forest legend is true or false is not conducive for us to cross the forest tonight.(我想今晚我们应该留在车上过夜比较好,因为现在已经很晚了,不管森林的传说是真是假都不利于我们今晚穿过森林。)”小男孩的父亲提议道。
“well, I think so!(好吧,我想也是!)”小男孩撇了撇嘴道。
“Alan, is this our only way?(艾伦,这是我们的必经之路吗?)”小男孩的母亲问道。
“Yes, this is our only way!(是的,这是我们唯一的路!)”小男孩的父亲回答道。
“Fitch, are we really going to enter this forest?(费奇,我们真的要进入这片森林吗?)”一名猎人轻声问道。
“obviously, it's not a good idea to go in now, but it's not because of that stupid legend!(显然,现在进去并不是一个好主意,但绝不是因为那个愚蠢的传说!)”费奇回答道。
“Fitch, do you really not believe that legend?(费奇,你真的不相信那个传说吗?)”那个猎人问道。
“I don't believe that anything in this world is more powerful than a gun!(我不相信这个世界上有什么东西会比枪还厉害!)”费奇回答道。
“but I heard that many people went in and didn't e out alive!(可我听说有很多人进去了都没有活着出来!)”那个猎人道。
“believe me, if something threatens our lives, I will shoot him and watch him turn into a corpse!(相信我,如果有什么东西会威胁到我们的生命,我会一枪轰了他,然后眼睁睁地看他变成一具尸体为止!)”费奇保证道。
“Fitch, you're right. Nothing can't be solved by guns. we haven't been out hunting for a long time. we must make a lot of money this time!(费奇,你说的没错,没有什么是枪解决不了的,我们已经很久没有出来打猎了,这次一定要赚个盆满钵满!)”也许是受到了费奇的感染,那个猎人的眼中闪着光道。
“For money and happiness, do it!(为了钱,为了幸福,干!)”费奇高声道。
“how could there be gunshots here?(这里怎么会有枪声呢?)”... -->>